Explore ground truth for logistics

We drive logistics forward. Leveraging our expertise, our ground truth annotation platform is tailored to support diverse logistics use cases.

We innovate logistics from the ground up

Pioneering the future of logistics with our expertise and cutting-edge automation technology, our ground truth annotation platform is reshaping operations across hubs, warehouses, and yards. Join us in redefining logistics through efficiency and precision.

Ground Truth use cases within logistics

From yard-to-yard logistics to first and last mile deliveries, understand.ai tackles all relevant ground truth use cases within the logistics industry.

2D Driver Monitoring System

First/last mile deliveries

Ground truth data ensures efficient route planning and delivery optimization, reducing transit times and enhancing customer satisfaction by handling the initial and final stages of transportation.

2D Driver Monitoring System


Facilitating the movement of goods between distribution hubs, ground truth data enables efficient scheduling, routing, and tracking, improving supply chain visibility and reducing transit times.

2D Driver Monitoring System

Yard logistics

Ground truth insights streamline yard operations, optimizing truck movements, container placement, and inventory management for increased throughput and minimized congestion.

2D Driver Monitoring System

Warehouse logistics

Enhancing efficiency and accuracy in order fulfillment processes, utilizing ground truth information, warehouse operations are optimized for inventory management, picking, packing, and shipping.

    Reference Case: Embotech

    Explore this following reference case to gain deeper insight of our successful collaboration with Embotech.

    In this reference case, we have successfully assisted Embotech by providing the essential ground truth required to train the perception stack, tailored for the intricate mixed traffic environments commonly found in ports.

    The Challenge

    • Producing the ground truth needed to train a perception stack tailored for complex mixed traffic environments in ports.
    • To achieve this, calibration challenges had to be overcome and the necessary iterative fine tuning of the labeling specification had to be addressed.
    • An efficient production process had to be designed, including efficient automated workflows and stringent quality control.

    Key Facts

    • 2 months lead time
    • 250.000 annotations delivered, flexibly ramped up from an originally estimated volume of 100.000 annotations
    • Sensor setup with 1 LiDAR and 3 cameras

    Key Achievements

    • Seamlessly transferring our ADAS/AD expertise across various Operational Design Domains.
    • Actively enabled Embotech to realize a use case aimed at crucial initiatives aimed at enhancing productivity and efficiency in industrial sites and company yards.
    • Actively contributed to elevating safety standards for all stakeholders involved in logistics operations in ports and logistics yards.